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Free, easy access to Victoria University research

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Victoria University of Wellington has launched a new initiative that will enable local industry to more easily commercialise the University’s innovative research.

In a New Zealand first, Viclink, Victoria’s commercialisation office, is offering simple, free licences for selected technologies using the Easy Access IP programme.

Easy Access IP is an international collective of universities and research institutions who give discoveries and inventions to companies and individuals at no cost, with the aim of translating more research into products and services that benefit the community.

Bianca Grizhar, Viclink’s Open Innovations Manager, says the Easy Access IP agreements will make it easier for local companies to work with the University.

“The programme removes many barriers and complex legal negotiations, as it allows Intellectual Property (IP) to be licensed with a simple, one-page, royalty-free licence agreement. The licensees can then develop products and services as they please.

“We also encourage licensees to work directly with the researchers who invented the IP to utilise their expertise. This means faster product development times.”

Bianca cites Ropata Medical Centre as a great case-in-point for how well Easy Access IP works. As one of Wellington’s largest medical centres—with 19,450 registered patients averaging 6,500 consultations a month—the centre was looking for a way to streamline patient check-in.

Practice Manager Adrian Tucker knew of an automated patient check-in system developed for the Victoria’s Student Health Centre, and that had worked successfully in a Gisborne practice.

“I contacted Viclink to see if we could purchase or licence the system. To be honest, I had my doubts, and thought that it might be too expensive or difficult,” says Adrian.

“In fact, the opposite was true. I met with Bianca, who talked to me about the Easy Access IP programme. I wrote a statement of intent outlining how we planned to use the software, and Bianca prepared the contract. We had the software within a week.”

Easy Access IP complements Viclink’s existing commercialisation efforts, says Bianca.

“The programme will work alongside our traditional research translation, and allow us to join a prestigious international network. We have seen how it can work overseas and we are very excited about the potential new opportunities and relationships.”

“It’s also a big benefit for Victoria’s researchers, who will have more opportunities to showcase their research and create partnerships with industry—which could lead to more research funding and scholarships for students.”

Geoff Todd, Managing Director of Viclink, says Easy Access IP focuses on technologies that will benefit society.

“Viclink has a great record of developing technology that benefits the local economy, with notable spin-out successes like AuramerBio, Avalia Immunotherapies, Boutiq and Magritek. It’s important to ensure Victoria’s knowledge resource remains open and accessible, as it has the chance to improve our quality of life.”

Chair of the Viclink Board and Vice-Provost (Research) Professor Kate McGrath says this new commercialisation approach embeds the University in the international technology sector.

“As a global-civic university, and with its excellence in research, Victoria has a leading role to play in expanding New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem.”