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Applications open for 2017 Endeavour Fund

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Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce has announced that applications are now open for the 2017 Endeavour Fund with a series of roadshows to be held this week for potential applicants.

“The Endeavour Fund is New Zealand’s biggest contestable scientific research fund”, Mr Joyce says. “$209 million in research funding was allocated in the just-completed 2016 round, and a similar amount will be invested in the 2017 round.

“The Endeavour Fund invests in excellent research that has potential to positively transform our economic performance, create environmental sustainability and integrity, and help New Zealand society.

“The roadshow sessions being run by MBIE are a great opportunity to provide potential applicants with the information they need to complete applications that demonstrate the impact and excellence in their research.”

The Endeavour Fund, previously known as the MBIE Contestable Science Fund, is one of the Government’s main mission-led science investments. The National Statement of Science Investment (NSSI), published late in 2015, set a ten year strategic direction for the science and innovation system, including a review and refresh of the Contestable Fund (Endeavour Fund). The Fund was renamed as the Endeavour Fund in 2016 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Captain Cook’s landmark scientific voyage to New Zealand.

The change of name reflects its mission to support transformational research, science or technology and to give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy.

There are two routes for applying for the funding: Smart Ideas and Research.

· Smart Ideas – Generating Ideas. Fast-fail support to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand.

· Research Programmes – Developing Ideas. Supports the development of ambitious, excellent, well-defined research ideas which, collectively, have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth or critical need.

“The Endeavour Fund provides the opportunity to invest in ideas that will positively benefit New Zealand. The priorities that are signalled through the Investment Plan demonstrate the economic, environmental or social objectives and give flexibility to our applicants and to those assessing application and deciding on funding,” Mr Joyce says

More information is available here.