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New High Commissioner to Cook Islands named

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Foreign Minister Murray McCully has named Peter Marshall as New Zealand’s new High Commissioner to the Cook Islands.

“New Zealand and the Cook Islands have a special relationship, based on historical ties and shared citizenship,” Mr McCully says.

“Last year marked the Cook Islands’ fiftieth anniversary of self-government in free association with New Zealand and year-long celebrations culminated in reciprocal prime ministerial visits.

“In commemoration of the sacrifice made by 500 young Cook Islands soldiers who served in World War I, New Zealand is hosting a programme of events throughout 2016.

“New Zealand and the Cook Islands are important development partners. New Zealand’s aid is focused on economic development and supports critical infrastructure upgrades, the tourism sector, and quality education and health services,” Mr McCully says.

Mr Marshall is a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit. He has served as the Commissioner of the New Zealand Police and Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.