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PM to lead business delegation to India

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Prime Minister John Key will lead a high-level business and education delegation to India next week, visiting Mumbai, New Delhi and Kochi.

“India is a key partner for New Zealand. It is a leading source of skilled migrants, international students and tourists, and in the five years since I last visited our two way trade has grown by 41 per cent to $2.4 billion,” Mr Key says.

“The India-New Zealand relationship will only continue to grow, and this visit will help drive New Zealand’s political and commercial partnership with the world’s third-largest economy.”

In New Delhi, Mr Key will meet with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Pranab Mukherjee, who visited New Zealand earlier this year.

“Along with further strengthening New Zealand’s political, security, and economic connections with India, my meeting with Prime Minister Modi will be an opportunity to discuss his efforts to reform India’s economy and how New Zealand can be part of India’s growth.”

Mr Key will also attend a range of events focused on showcasing the innovation of leading New Zealand companies doing business in India, as well as our reputation as a high-quality education and tourism provider.

Mr Key will also be accompanied by MPs Mark Mitchell and Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi. The delegation will be away from 24 – 28 October.