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Australia-NZ infrastructure pipeline launched

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Finance Minister Bill English has launched an online portal aimed at giving a clearer picture of high-value infrastructure investments opportunities throughout Australasia.

Together with Australian Treasurer, Scott Morrison, Mr English has launched the Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP) in Sydney today.

About 25 New Zealand-based projects and about 90 Australian-based projects are listed - from government agencies, local authorities, State-owned enterprises and publicly-listed companies.

All projects listed are valued at over $100 million and have either recently started or are yet to get underway.

Mr English says the launch of ANZIP signals a joint commitment to building a more integrated infrastructure market between the two countries.

“Australia is critical to New Zealand’s economy. Not only is Australia our biggest trading partner, but approximately half of all foreign direct investment in New Zealand comes from Australia.

“Similarly, half of the investment coming out of New Zealand is invested in Australia.

“I expect ANZIP will help grow foreign direct investment in both countries, as well as giving greater visibility of future investment opportunities.”

The ANZIP can be viewed here: