The NZMEA signals an even stronger focus on supporting globally competitive manufacturers with the launch of a new nameWith the changing face of manufacturing and the increasing global opportunities advanced technologies offer, the NZMEA has introduced a new and simply stated name supported by a strong logo that reflects where it wants to take the industry into the future - The Manufacturers’ Network.
“We are hugely proud of our history, having supported manufacturers and manufacturing since 1879. But today the industry is different. With a global reach and growth opportunities relying more and more on collaboration, strong networks and an indepth knowledge of future trends, it was time our name reflected these values, clearly and simply, says Mr Dieter Adam, CE, The Maufacturers’ Network.
Today, manufacturing in New Zealand faces many challenges. Manufacturers need to hold their own and want to grow their business in an increasingly interconnected and highly competitive global environment. Whether it’s through exporting or competing with imports, it’s all about remaining globally competitive. To achieve that, manufacturers need support now more than ever.
“Manufacturers need a champion and an expert immersed in trends and opportunities who they trust so they can get on with running their businesses as competitively as possible, knowing we have en eye on the future. That’s where we fit in, says Adam.
“The Manufacturers’ Network represents the best of our collaborative spirit and smarts. We are a Network because we know that working together, and collaborating locally, allows us to compete globally, to stay up with - if not ahead - of trends, and to remain agile and efficient.
“We have deliberately chosen to use THE ahead of Manufacturers’ Network as it shows strength in what we do. Our focus is narrow and deep. We are THE Manufacturers’ Network, focused on supporting New Zealand manufacturers — the people behind the industry,” says Adam.
Manufacturing is the second highest contributor to GDP and we know that making a difference to this sector will make a difference to New Zealand and New Zealanders. Given this, the focus of The Manufacturers’ Network will be that of a specialist support network.
“I have recently returned from Hanover Fair, Germany, and built relationships there which will be invaluable going forward. Our networks aren’t just amongst the New Zealand industry but globally too.
‘There was a gap and we have made a commitment to filling it. As The Manufacturers’ Network, we are the experts in manufacturing,” says Adam.
| A Manufacturers Network release || September 22, 2017 |||