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How connected products are changing the landscape for manufacturers

Thursday, 18 August 2016 08:19
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How connected products are changing the landscape for manufacturers and why it's going to be critical to your success. This is just one of the topics that will be presented at the CADPRO Systems organised Autodesk Manufacturing Event being held in Auckland next Wednesday the 24th of August and Christchurch the following day.

The era of connection is upon us. Already consumers expect to be connected to their products whenever they want and wherever they are. And over the next decade the expectation is that the number of connected devices is going to significantly increase, enabling companies to provide unique customer experiences, incorporate agile design and implement predictive maintenance.

Together we'll look at how we, as an industry, need to look at the next generation of products we design and services we offer as a means of growing company revenue and possibly implementing Products as a Service.

This session will be very practical looking at genuine applications for manufacturers. Join presenter Matthew McKnight, Autodesk Australia at next week’s events in Auckland or Christchurch.

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