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Double Cross Decoys and DEI Afflict Israelis

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October 7 Introduced Psychological Warfare to Middle East

The extent and effect of the DEI industry campaign against Israel will be viewed as a contributory element in the October 7 attack because of increasing evidence that Israel’s false sense of security stemmed from a reluctance to detonate resentment in the West’s politico media class.

The nation’s determination to sidestep a pre-emptive incursion was in the face of demonstrable evidence that the attack was being war gamed within Gaza.

Israel in the lead up to the invasion displayed unparalleled levels of a willingness to be duped in the form of an applied reluctance to confront the evidence that a breakout was imminent.

Even when it appeared clear that Hamas which means Islamic Resistance Movement and which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood had aggressive intentions, Israeli analysts refused to believe that the insurgents would actually follow through with them

The build up to the commando category of invasion occurred during an extraordinary intensification of anti Israel sentiment within the multilaterals as well as Israel’s own allies such as Five Eyes where it found voice within the DEI sector.

This sector had now extended beyond identity and coupled itself with gender-climate and most sensitively of all with a colonialism syndrome specifically encoded for Israel.

While this was going on Hamas in a refinement of its nothing-to-worry-about campaign of complacency inducement launched a particularly subtle ploy.

It was to encourage other terror outfits to criticise Hamas for being itself complacent in peaceably winding down its own anti Israel stance.

Hamas followed through on this double cross by giving a firm impression to the Israel defence establishment that now it indeed intended to focus on the welfare of the population it was supposed to be governing in Gaza.

Then there were some mixed signals coming from Israel itself

One of these was the curious case of a book The Human Machine Team authored from the very top level of Israel’s signals intelligence and seemingly approved by the Israel Defence Force.

The book published only several years ago gave the impression of a priority high tech signals interception strategy.

In the covert world what is not being said shares equal value with what is actually being said.

Was the book a decoy, designed to draw attention away from specifically a human assets build up within Gaza?

A build up made possible by the daily arrival into Israel of thousands of Gaza citizens on a generous Israeli work scheme?

In the event post October 7 all the indications remain that there were no effective covert human assets within Gaza.

The book hymning the new reliance on signals listening technology was not a plant at all.

It was the real thing. Human intelligence had gone on the back burner.

Neither does Israel in practical terms appear to have made use of its standard electronics such as observation satellites.

Why was the build-up of hardware in the form of earthmovers not detected? Why were the practice sessions for the aerial assault systems not detected?

These in the event probably were in fact observed.

They were probably dismissed for two reasons. War gaming was interpreted as Hamas trying to impress its own allies of its basic bellicosity. Then there was the deep Israeli conviction that Hamas was on a peaceful path.

The October 7 insurgency combined Islamic tactics such as the taking of hostages mixed in with focused concentration methods employed by Special Forces in the West.

The application of psychological warfare techniques in the form of the false trails laid before Israel will similarly be perceived as a transfer from Occidental battle planning.

The mobilisation of the allied DEI intelligentsia can be viewed in this context as the contemporary version of air dropping propaganda leaflets sowing fear, uncertainty, and doubt far behind the enemy’s lines.

The history of the Abrahamic religions, the book religions, demonstrates a clockwork effect every half millennium in which one of them goes on the boil

Dating from the return by the Jewish people from Babylonian captivity BC there was half a millennium later the birth of Christ. Half a millennium later came the advent of Islam. Then the Crusades. Then the Reformation.

Now exactly half a millennium, precisely 500 years, after the Reformation there is a resurgent Islam culturally symbolised by the reverential precedence it is accorded in any English speaking centre of learning.